Terms & Conditions

At Frimprince Transport Services, we strive to provide the best tour and rental services to our local and international clients. We provide the best services at the most affordable prices. The following are the terms and conditions under which we provide our corporate services:

  1. At rental, every car is rented out with a full tank.
  2. Clients are required to return the car back with a full tank.
  3. Clients are required to return the vehicle back in good condition.
  4. Clients are required to return the vehicle back at the right and exact time agreed on.
  5. We do not allow renting rented vehicles to a third party.
  6. We do not allow renting of the vehicle for criminal purposes.
  7. We do not allow the renting of vehicles for the purpose of selling.
  8. Clients will bear full rigours of the law for rerenting or selling a rented vehicle.
  9. We provide self-drive car rentals for 12 hours.


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