Tourist Guide: What Do they Eat in Ghana?

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What do they eat in Ghana? This is the question many people in Asia, Europe or the Americas ask. You’re travelling to Ghana to stay for three or six months. You’re not used to the local foods in Ghana, and therefore, wondering the food eaten in Ghana.

There are various types of local foods eaten in Ghana. Different region or ethnic group has a food popular with them. But there are certain foods popular in the entire country. The Northern part of Ghana usually eats yam, corn and millet while people know the south for cassava, plantain and cocoyam.

The following are the major foods eaten in Ghana.

1.     Banku


Banku is the most famous food in Ghana. Every ethnic group in Ghana eat it. It is prepared by mixing cassava dough with corn dough, stirring it several times under intense heat until it mixes. Ghanaians eat banku with pepper, okro soup, palm soup, groundnut soup and stew.

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2.  Fufu

It is one of the most delicious foods in Ghana. It is prepared by mashing boiled cassava with yam/plantain in a mortar until it becomes refined. They use a mortar and a pistil in mashing the fufu.

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There are machines used for preparing fufu. There is also “Neat Fufu”, an already prepare fufu powder, but most people prefer the local way of preparing fufu. Ghanaians eat fufu with light soup, groundnut soup or palm nut soup.

3.    Tuo Zaafi

This food is very popular in the northern region of Ghana. It is prepared by cooking millet. But, you can still find it in the southern part of Ghana, especially among the Hawuza people of Ghana. Tuo Zaafi is popularly eaten with okro soup.

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4. Kenkey

This is a popular food in the southern part of Ghana. You can find many kenkey sellers on the streets of Accra. Kenkey is prepared with corn dough and wrapped in maize cob.

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5. Rice

Rice is not local food. However, it has become part and parcel of Ghanaian food. Ghanaian eat boiled rice, fried rice, jollof rice and rice balls. You can buy any rice food on the streets of Ghana. Ghanaians eat rice with stew, soup, shito and pepper.

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6. Beans

Usually, Ghanaians don’t eat beans alone. They eat beans with gari and fried plantain. It is a special food in Ghana. Some people even eat the beans with rice. This local food is not normally sold in the top restaurants, except the local food vendors.

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7. Waakye

This is a very popular food in Ghana. You will find many people buying “Waakye” in the morning. It is made up of rice and beans. It is very nice and delicious.

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8.     Boiled Yam/Plantain

Ghanaians eat boiled yam/plantain/cocoyam with palava sauce. They eat boiled yam or plantain with “Kontomire” stew also known as palava sauce.

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9.     Stews/Soups

The main soups popularly eaten in Ghana include groundnut soup, palm nut soup, light soup, and okro soup. With stew, they prepare them in different ways and styles. Soup is indigenous Ghanaian food.

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10. Drinks

From local drinks, alcoholic drinks to non-alcoholic drinks, there are a lot of options. The well-known non-alcoholic drinks are Coca Cola, Sprite, Mirinda, Pepsi, Fanta, Malt, and others.

Local hard drinks include pito, palm wine, schnapps and akepteshie (a local dry gin). Exotic alcoholic drinks are Stone, Club, Guinness, Castle, and Star.

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11. Water

You can buy water in sachet form or bottle. It is safe to drink a bottle or sachet water. Refrain from drinking tap or any form of stream water. Many Ghanaians cook with the tap water, yet they drink the sachet or bottled water.

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12. Fruits/Vegetables

There are various fruits in Ghana. The popular ones include banana, orange, pineapple, guava, watermelon and apple. You can buy them in bulk at a discounted price and keep them in your refrigerator.

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