5 Tour Advice for American Expats Working in Ghana

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In recent times, the number of American expats working in Ghana, has increased. They have shown keen and particular interest in tourism especially, exploring and touring places in Ghana of interest to them.

Here are five tour advice for American expats working in Ghana:

Have a Plan and Prepare

The first advice for American expats working in Ghana is to develop a plan and prepare very well before embarking on a tour. This will save you a lot of time, money and stress. If you plan and prepare very well you definitely will know your way about and makes your time more enjoyable. Have an idea of the places you would want to visit, their locations, means of transport, weather conditions etc. before stepping out.

Know the Culture of the People

Number two tour advice for American expats: know the culture and norms of the place you visit. Culture is highly regarded in the Ghanaian society. For example, the use of the left hand is considered rude and insulting in Ghana. Get to know the do’s and don’ts of the place you visit. You might want to ask a Ghanaian friend or colleague who will have more information on this.                                       

Wear Appropriate Clothing’s

Number three tour advice for American expats working in Ghana is to wear the proper clothing depending on where in Ghana you will be touring and the weather conditions prevailing there. So it’s very important you know the prevailing weather conditions of the location you would be visiting. Also in some parts of Ghana, it is frowned upon when ladies are improperly dressed (ladies wearing shorts and trousers).  

Have Enough Money on You

it’s not advisable to carry a lot money on you for safety reasons.  You can attract unnecessary attention to yourself and be robbed, but some of the nicest tour places in Ghana are in the remotest villages, where there are no banks or ATM’s. So depending on your expenditure, have enough money on you to meet your daily expenses. Not too much and not too less.

Health Precautions

Malaria is still a big issue in Ghana. On the advice of a medical doctor, it will be advisable take some anti-malaria drugs after or before going on a tour. One could also use anti-mosquito repellents. So number five tour advice for American Expats is to take care of your health.

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Email: frimprincetransport@yahoo.com

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